Military Bases Suspected of UFO Activity

Bases in:


Andrews Air Force Base:

Location: Southeast of Suitland, Maryland. Very close to Washington, D.C.

Description: UFOs have been spotted over this base by military personnel and public.

Barksdale Air Force Base:

Location: West of Shreveport, Louisiana.

Description: This base was put on alert during the 1975 Loring AFB intrusions.

Bolling Air Force Base:

Location: Washington D.C.

Description: UFOs have been spotted at this major Air Force Base.

Brunswick Naval Air Station:

Location: West of Brunswick, in southern Maine.

Description: A UFO was sighted at this base just before the Loring AFB intrusions in 1975. A strange abduction occurred less than 40 miles from this base.

Cannon Air Force Base:

Location: East of Clovis, on the eastern edge New Mexico.

Description: UFOs have been sighted over this secretive air base.

Carswell Air Force Base:

Location: Fort Worth, Texas.

Description: It is believed that some of the UFO wreckage from the 1947 Roswel, New Mexico, crash was sent here.

Edwards Air Force Base:

Location: A large section of land east of Rosamond, California, that includes Rogers Lake (Dry) and Rosamond Lake (Dry).

Description: A well-known experimental aircraft testing range, this area has tested many saucer-shaped aircraft. A UFO landed here over a 2-day period in April of 1954. The occupants of the UFO, referred to as the "Etherians", gave amazing demonstrations to a select group of individuals (including President Eissenhower). The Etherians allowed the military to inspect the UFO, and even helped them.

Eglin Air Force Base:

Location: Located on the Western edge of Choctawhatchee Bay, Florida. Just south of Valparaiso, Florida.

Description: In 1976, UFOs were spotted over the base's Armament Development and Test Center. This base is just east of Gulf Breeze, Florida, a major UFO hot-spot.

Ellington Air Force Base (a.k.a. NASA Ellington Field):

Location: Near NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.

Description: Bob Oechsler (a former NASA Engineer and now a famous UFOlogist) was flown (by helicopter), in 1990, to a NASA facility 20 miles southwest of Ellington AFB. The facility had an microgravity chamber that, Oechsler is convinced, was made using alien technology.

Ellsworth Air Force Base:

Location: South Dakota.

Description: UFOs have been spotted over this air base.

Fairchild Air Force Base:

Location: Washington.

Description: This base was put on alert during the 1975 Loring AFB intrusions.

Fort Riley:

Location: Just northwest of Junction City, Kansas.

Description: Another secretive base suspected of harboring alien bodies.

Fort Ritchie:

Location: Maryland.

Description: During 1976, UFOs were spotted over Weapons Storage Facilities on the base.

Grand Forks Air Force Base:

Location: This base is located 16 miles west of Grand Forks, North Dakota.

Description: This base was put on alert during the 1975 Loring AFB intrusions. It experienced its own intrusions also during 1975.

Groom Lake Test Facility:

Location: About 120 Miles northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada, in the Nellis Air Force Range. The base is constructed on the edge of the Groom Lake salt bed in the dry Emigrant Valley between two jagged mountain ranges.

Description: Officially, the base that created the U-2 and SR-71 Blackbird Spyplanes, doesn't exist. The base can not be seen on any public map. Old Government maps will list it as Area 51. It is a common hotspot for UFOs and it is believed that a new Mach-8 spyplane, nicknamed Aurora, has been developed there. It is also believed that an aircraft made from UFO technology, the Human- Piloted Alien Craft (H-PAC), was developed there. Bob Lazar, an nuclear physicist who claims he was hired by the government to study an alien propulsion system, said that another facility, called S-4 (Section-4), is located just south of Groom Lake at Papoose Lake (also dry). There have been many UFO sightings and cattle mutilations in and around the area. Base personnel have disappeared during nighttime UFO activity. Area 51 has a formidable security system (the area is protected by a group of Green berets). Recently, the USAF gained control over a key ridge near Groom Lake, from which you could see the installation (read USAF Claims Freedom Ridge for more information). A 1988 Soviet Satellite photo shows a high-security compound at one end of the base, purpose unknown.

Holloman Air Force Base:

Location: Approximately 15 km. southwest of Alamogordo, New Mexico.

Description: This air base is a well known testing site for experimental aircraft. It is also near where the first A-bomb was tested. On April 25, 1964 (12 hours after the famous Soccoro, New Mexico, UFO landing), a UFO (escorted by 2 others that remained in the air) landed at this base. Three aliens got out of the craft and talked with base officials. This story was confirmed by Richard C. Doty (possible pseudonym), a retired counterintelligence officer with the Air Force's Office of Special Investigations (OSI).

Homestead Air Force Base:

Location: Florida.

Description: This base is suspected of keeping alien bodies in a Top-secret, underground repository.

Hunter Army Air Field:

Location: Georgia.

Description: In 1976, 2 base security policemen spotted a UFO near this base.

Kinchloe Air Force Base:

Location: Michigan.

Description: This bas was put on alert during the 1975 Loring AFB intrusions.

Kinross Air Force Base:

Location: Michigan.

Description: UFOs have been sighted over this base and jets have also been scrambled from this base to chase UFOs.

Kirtland Air Force Base:

Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Description: This Air base is a well known landing site for space shuttles and is suspected to be harboring alien bodies. During 1980, UFOs were spotted over Kirtland AFB by Base Security Personnel. The UFOs would fly solo and would hover over an area known as Coyote Canyon (part of a restricted testing range on the base). This testing range is used by the Air Force Weapons Laboratories, Sandia Laboratories, Defense Nuclear Agency, and the Department of Energy.

Langley Air Force Base:

Location: Just Northeast of Hampton, Virginia.

Description: Also known as Langley Field, this highly-secretive base is suspected to be harboring alien bodies. UFOs have been spotted near this base. Jets have been scrambled from this base to intercept UFOs.

Loring Air Force Base:

Location: Just Northeast of Limestone, Maine.

Description: During 1975, a rash of UFO sightings occurred over this base. The base, along with others, was put on a "Security Option 3" and was told to prepare to "Defend against a helicopter assault". However, the UFOs were never identified as helicopters, and many witnesses said they looked like bright "stretched-football" crafts about the size of a car. Jets were scrambled to intercept the UFOs, but their attempts proved unsuccessful. This base has nuclear weapons installations.

Los Alamos Research Facility:

Location: Los Alamos (north of Santa Fe), New Mexico.

Description: This facility is owned and operated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). It was the site of the famous "Manhattan Project" that developed the Atom Bomb. UFOs have been sighted over this facility. This facility is suspected to have analyzed UFO wreckage and EBEs from the 1947 Roswell Crash. Between 1948 and 1952, UFOs were spotted over the facility by personnel.

Luke Air Force Base:

Location: Arizona.

Description: UFOs have been sighted over this air base.

Malstrom Air Force Base:

Location: Montana.

Description: This is a base that was put on alert in 1975 after the Loring AFB intrusions. In 1975, UFOs were spotted (both visually and by radar) hovering over the base's Nuclear Missile Installations. Closer examination of the missiles revealed that the UFOs had somehow tampered with the missiles. Jets were scrambled to intercept these UFOs, but the UFOs were far superior to any military aircraft and therefore could not be shot down.

March Air Force Base:

Location: California.

Description: This installation is a Strategic Air Command (SAC) base. UFOs have been spotted over this base.

Maxwell Air Force Base:

Location: Near Prattville, Alabama.

Description: Two base security policemen spotted a UFO over this base.

Minot Air Force Base:

Location: The base is located 13 miles north of Minot, North Dakota.

Description: This was another base put on alert after the Loring AFB intrusions of 1975. This base is a Strategic Air Command (SAC) base and has a large amount of land reserved for missile sites. In 1975 it experienced UFO intrusions.

Moffet Field Naval Air Station:

Location: Just west of Palo Alto, California, at the southern end of San Francisco Bay.

Description: Another secretive base in which experimental aircraft are tested.

NORAD Headquarters:

Location: Inside Cheyenne Mountain, near Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Description: This highly-secretive base is headquarters to the North American Air Defense (NORAD) System. It is built inside a mountain, and can withstand a nuclear blast. Its Deep Space Surveillance Center is believed to have radar tracking of UFOs.

Norton Air Force Base:

Location: California.

Description: Fighter jets have been dispatched from this base to intercept UFOs.

Oakdale Armory:

Location: Near Greater Pittsburgh International Airport, Pennsylvania.

Description: This armory is home to the 662nd Radar Squadron. This squadron was the military group involved in the cover-up of the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, UFO crash of 1965.

Pease Air Force Base:

Location: Near Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Description: This base was put on alert during the 1975 Loring AFB intrusions. UFOs have been spotted over this installation.

The Pentagon:

Location: Arlington, Virginia.

Description: The Pentagon is The United States Military Headquarters. It is home to the National Military Command Center (NMCC). The NMCC is believed to have radar tracking of UFOs.

Peterson Air Force Base:

Location: Colorado Springs, CO

Description: This Air Base is the home of the USAF Space Command Center (SCC). The SCC is in charge of the Defense Support Program (DSP) Satellites. These satellites are highly classified. The were designed to warn the U.S. Military of Inter-continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) launches. They are believed to have recordings of UFOs.

Plattsburgh Air Force Base:

Location: New York.

Description: This installation was another base that was put on alert during the 1975 Loring AFB intrusions. UFOs have been sighted at this base (especially over the base's Weapons Storage Area).

Sawyer Air Force Base:

Location: Michigan.

Description: This base was put on alert during the 1975 Loring AFB intrusions.

Truax Air Force Base:

Location: Michigan.

Description: UFOs have been spotted over this base. Fighter jets have been scrambled from this base to chase UFOs.

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base:

Location: About 5 km. west of Fairborn, Ohio.

Description: An extremely secretive Air Base, security officials once refused entrance to the defense secretary. Wright-Patterson is home to the infamous Hangar 18 which is suspected to harbor UFO wreckage and dead Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs). The alien bodies and some of the UFO wreckage retrieved from the 1947 Roswel crash was sent to this base. UFO wreckage from around the world (Australia, etc.) has been sent here. W PAFB is headquarters to Project Moondust. Moondust is a "foreign space debris" analysis program of the Air Force Systems Command's Foreign Technology Division (FTD). Hangar 18 is known to have huge Cryogenic freezing chambers, purpose unknown.

Wurtsmith Air Force Base:

Location: Michigan.

Description: This was another base put on UFO alert during the 1975 Loring AFB intrusions. Many UFOs were spotted in and around this base during the 1975 UFO-flap (especially over the base's Weapons Storage Area). Fighter jets were scrambled to intercept the UFOs, but their attempts were useless.



Pine Gap Research Facility:

Location: Located 12 miles from Alice Springs in Australia's Northern Territory.

Description: This base is described as a "Defense Space Research Facility" sponsored by both the American and the Australian defense departments. It is run by the American National Security Agency (NSA). This secret communications base serves primarily as a downlink for geosynchronous SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) Satellites. It is suspected to be monitoring UFO communications. UFOs have been sighted in and around the base. It is believed that there is an underground alien base on the facility's grounds.


Falconbridge Air Force Station:

Location: Near Northbay, Ontario, Canada.

Description: In 1975, this Radar Station experienced rash of UFO sightings. American jets were scrambled to intercept the UFOs, after the Canadians requested.


Bentwaters Air Force Base (a.k.a. RAF Bentwaters):

Location: Near Bentwaters, England.

Description: In 1980, UFOs were sighted (one hovering above the ground), at very close range, by base personnel in Rendlesham forest (a few miles from the base). The personnel were threatened into silence and the public was misinformed about the incident.


Shahrokhi Air Force Base:

Location: In Hamadan, Iran.

Description: In 1976, jets were dispatched from this base to pursue UFOs. The UFOs, which were spotted by the public, and the pilots (and subsequently confirmed by radar), outmaneuvered these jets. Every time the jets approached the crafts, their systems failed. The smaller of the two UFOs engaged one jet, causing it to break off the chase. The smaller UFO landed behind a hill while the larger "Mother Ship" dissappeared into the sky. Military Helicopters dispatched later to find the UFO that apprently landed reported no evidence of a landing.


Plesetsk Military Cosmodrome:

Location: Plesetsk, in northwest Russia.

Description: This super-secret Russian military space center has been responsible for many UFO sightings in Russia. The base's satellite and missile launches along with experimental plane testing have often been mistaken for UFOs throughout Russia.

Copyright © 1995 The Alberta UFO Research Association

David Watanabe

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